BEARS: Mischievous Tanker Drivers

Mischievous Tanker Drivers
Bears thumbs down for Mischievous Tanker Drivers

Findings have revealed that some Petroleum Tanker Drivers now load up to 50, 000 litres of petroleum products as against the approved 33, 000 litres.

Bears gathered that the unscrupulous drivers connive with some devious depot operators to carry out this ugly act. This over-loading makes these tankers susceptible to accidents which can cause damage to lives and property.
Bears thumb down this act and beckons on the Directorate of Petroleum Resources (DPR) as the regulatory body to implement fully the Petroleum Trucking Policy so as to curtail these anomalies in the sector.
However, the aim of the drivers and their cohorts is to sell the excess products for personal gains. No wonder black market is still prevalent in the country despite government’s effort to nip it in the bud.

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