BEARS: Killer Tankers

The sudden disappearance of trucks on the Apapa/Tincan Island ports access road must be a huge relief to port users and workers in that area and their sudden reappearance on the Badagry expressway has given users of that road a taste of the bitter pill that has been lodged in the throat of their Apapa counterparts for so long.
The tank farms at the Abule Ado area of the road where these petroleum tankers queue stretches all the way to the army barracks, which is more than 100kms distance. The implication is a nightmare as people now resort to the dreaded okada riders to go out and come into the area.
The result is the gory sight of ‘okada’ accidents recurring on that road. Ambode, Lagosians need the change now, or you make room for your change later. God help us.