BEARS: Release Orok!

BEARS: Release Orok!
Rector, MAN, Oron, Commodore Duja Emma Effedua
Innocent Orok, a maritime Journalist has been held in prison on account of a story he did on an alleged malfeasance in Maritime Academy of Nigeria(MAN) Oron. The Rector riding on mercantile influence over the Nigerian Police and men of silk, threw Orok in detention while the case at the Federal High Court, Ikoyi remains a mere statement. Orok neither committed murder nor stole from MAN Oron. This only  reminds one of the era of barbarism where might was all that matters. Life was brutish and short. Can one kill because one can? The silence of all against Orok is ominous. I feel for the future. A Commodore’s might and gait should be marched against the strength of the sea and the power that flows from it.

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