Setting Standards For The Future

Setting Standards For The Future
Setting Standards For The Future

Standards are progressive platforms set for generations yet unborn to benefit and live on. Setting a standard is always a carefully thought out and well driven idea that are easily buyable by the people. If bad or not well planned, it ends before its commencement but when properly orchestrated, it becomes a veritable tool and a beacon for posterity.

The MMS Plus Woman of Fortune Hall of Fame held last week is an example of the latter. It is another first in the annals of the maritime history geared towards enacting a developmental stride in the psyche of the younger generation of women cut across the spheres of life. The awardees are carefully selected based on their performance and achievements in their sectors.

This specifically is meant to spur the younger generation of women to take the bull by the horn in whatever they find themselves doing in life so that they can make a mark in life.

It however principally made to make the awardees aware that they are being noticed in their various facets of professionalism in life and jobs.

It is no longer news that the Hall of Fame has come to stay; it also demonstrates unbiased judgment of persons as only those who merit it are so awarded. And that Prof. Dora Akunyili was among those so honored points to the fact that hard work speaks even in death.

The theme of this year’s event: “Building Capacity for Transformative Leadership,” rightly align with the purpose for which the award was created which is directed at preparing today for tomorrow.

Talking about standards, many women have indeed made their marks in various sectors of the economy without a corresponding acknowledgement of such. This is why such award is needed to bring the work of women who have performed well into limelight and to jettison the Africa culture that has relegated women to the background thereby unable to put their potentials into proper use.

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