BULLS: LOMEP Encomiums

BULLS: LOMEP EncomiumsJournalists are usually regarded as the fourth estate of the realm, professionals tasked with guarding the conscience of the nation, protecting the helpless and fighting for the good of the masses. Developmental journalism also entails projecting the course of affairs of a nation or an industry and it’s this role that the League of Maritime Editors and Publishers received lavish praise for carrying out when it organized its 20th Anniversary Lecture/ Awards. During the event maritime bigwigs including the Chairman, Genesis Worldwide Shipping, Capt. Emmanuel Iheanacho, the Chariperson, Ship-owners Forum, Barr. (Mrs.) Margaret Orakwusi, the Executive Secretary of Nigerian Shippers’ Council, Mr. Hassan Bello, the former Chairman, Ghana Shippers Authority, Dr. Kofi Mbiah, former Assistant Comptroller-General of Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) Mr. Charles Edike commended the group for its role in the campaign for crucial maritime laws such as the Cabotage Act, the Council for the Regulation of Freight Forwarding in Nigeria (CRFFN), Port concession policy, among others.

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