The Fear Of Insurgency: The Security Errors

The Fear Of Insurgency: The Security Errors
boko haram

As the year is winding up and activities at the port are increasing plus the 2015 elections around the corner, there is every need for the security apparatus in the country to be beefed up especially at the border areas where most of the arms and ammunition purportedly come into the country.

More so, as the rate of insurgency in the country is defiling all efforts to nip it in the bud, it will be a good decision for the Nigerian nation to secure the ports as well as devising other necessary means of shielding the country and her resources against sudden attack.

The positioning of Armoured Personnel Tank (APT) at the Port and Terminal Multiservice (PTML) command of the Nigeria Customs Service command last week though sent some jitters in the spines of the people, it has been said to be a necessary move at this time to avoid being caught unaware by the insurgents.

It is even so much necessary as a police boss in the port had confirmed that there was a threat letter from the insurgents to attack the port facilities and nobody knows when they may want to make good their threats.

It is also very important that the Nigeria Customs Service does not only man the environment, a more dedicated search should be carried on any consignment coming into the country to be sure that the effort at curtailing insecurity is not a phantom one.

The freight forwarding practitioners and the customs brokers are enjoined to scrutinise their clients very well to make sure that what is contained in the Bill of Lading is what actually is contained in the container. This is germane because many will erroneously engage in a clearing that will not only cause them a life time trouble but can also endanger the country.

As much as this is good, it is also pertinent to mention that innocent citizens should not be put through any emotional torture as the presence of such highly sophisticated security machine could cause fears among the innocent and unsuspecting citizens who are going about their duties diligently.

On the other hands, the citizens have to join forces with the customs efforts by reporting any suspicious moves or items around the port. The people should also put away fears so long as the development is to secure their lives and property.

Afterall, working in an insecure environment is not healthy for any individual. It causes panic and fear and creates atmosphere of instability in the business arena. So, the cooperation with the security operatives will help to quell such unnecessary jitters.

But beyond the positioning of an APT at the PTML, intelligence gathering should be the fulcrum of the preparedness of the police. The question that has arisen here is, what happened to other ports, are there not vulnerable to attacks? Is the APT the only sign of preparedness to ward off the haramites? What about collection of tips by the police and NPA security at entrance gates? However, Tin Can port is more vulnerable and requires joint military action.

Besides, there are some possible areas of attack giving the way the haramites operate. Get the lists next week.

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