New Port Police Commissioner: What’s On The Table?

New Port Police Commissioner: What’s On The Table?
Police IG

Now that a new port police commissioner has been deployed to take over from Mr. Kayode Aderanti, whose stay was brief as the commissioner in the port, what should be the expectation of the maritime operators and stakeholders?

Anyway, the port police officers and men have done considerably well in terms of security in the port environment and for being able to ward off wharf rats from existence.

I quite agree with a recent report that Nigerian police ranks among the best in the universe because they have actually shown it in some highly sensitive cases where they succeeded except the ones that have an executive or legislative interest.

As the new commissioner  resumes, are we still expected to see the wanton extortion of truck drivers so much that it led to some confrontation recently? It is no longer news that some of these officers carry out the ignominious act with impunity. They were recently carried away in the process that they told one reporter unknowingly that they were given a target by their superior officers.

As a new person in  place, industry players expect a lot from the man .

When the outgoing commissioner came in, he promised to take the officers through some tutelage and instil discipline into the force. To an extent, it was visible that the officers began to look neater than ever as  that was one of the promises made by the police boss.

In like manner, industry watchers and players are itching to know what is on the table for the people. What new introduction is going to take place? Are we going to see a Berlin wall for robbers and touts in the port or a more porous and loose port environment?

Are we set to see an era that is extortion-free? Are we set to see an era where police officers will treat citizens with civility and milk of humanity? Are we likely to see faces in the police that will be comely and not smile only when the palm is greased?

Port users are earnestly waiting for answers to these questions as the new helms man begins consultation to facilitate easy take off of his assignment.

More power to your elbow CP Hilda Ibifuro-Harison as you resume office as the port police commissioner.

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