New NAGAFF Boss To Build Association’s Headquarters

New NAGAFF Boss To Build Association’s Headquarters
L-R: Former President of NAGAFF, Chief Eugene Nweke, the Founder of NAGAFF, Dr. Boniface Aniebonam, the new National President of NAGAFF, Mr. Adeyemi Oluwole, NAGAFF BOT Chairman, Mr. Chidiebere Enelamah, Acting President of the National Council of Managing Directors of Licensed Customs Agents (NCMDLCA) Comrade Ben Ndee and the NAGAFF Deputy National President, Headquarters, during Oluwole’s swearing-in ceremony at the NAGAFF headquarters today.

Mr. Adeyemi Oluwole, the newly sworn-in National President of the National Association of Government Approved Freight Forwarders (NAGAFF) has lamented that the association spent over N50million as rent for its headquarters since inception in November 1999.

Consequently, Mr. Adeyemi Oluwole has promised to lay the foundation for the acquisition of a permanent site for the association during his tenure.

Oluwole, who is a first Yoruba President of NAGAFF, was speaking during his inauguration ceremony which took place at the NAGAFF headquarters in Lagos today.

He noted that his administration would pursue a four point agenda which includes; revival of NAGAFF Academy in collaboration with the Council for the Regulation of Freight Forwarding in Nigeria (CRFFN)/ Redeemers University, establishment of NAGAFF radio programme and print media, acquisition of operations vehicles and staff buses, and lay foundation for the acquisition of permanent site for NAGAFF.

The NAGAFF President, Oluwole also commended the founder of NAGAFF, Dr. Boniface Aniebonam for creating an enabling environment and the requisite template for his predecessors to perform efficiently over the years.

Oluwole, who is just beginning his tenure as president eight months after as a result of illness, urged NAGAFF members to be united as he maintained that together they could do great things.

Oluwole said, “We would run an all inclusive government and we expect all members to be conscious of their responsibilities. We promise that our Annual General Meetings (AGM) would hold every November as it is the tradition to mark the day freight forwarding profession came to be in Nigeria. We therefore crave the maximum support of every member towards a successful AGM this year”

According to Oluwole, NAGAFF has always been an association which thrived to enhance its knowledge and human capacity. He stated that under his tutelage the trend would continue because it would ensure the growth of the freight forwarding industry in Nigeria.

He also noted that his immediate assignment was to give members a sense of belonging wherever they may be in the nation, stating that under his leadership, the National Executive Council (NEC) would visit all chapters across the country in order to get first-hand information about their challenges.

Oluwole who pledged to embrace transparency and accountability, also canvassed for prompt payment of monthly remittances by members and promised to ensure that the revenue would be judiciously utilized.

However, NAGAFF’s Board of Trustees (BOT) Chairman, Mr. Chidiebere Enelamah stated that words may not be sufficient enough to describe his joy as Adeyemi Oluwole became the substantive president.

He referred to Mr. Adeyemi Oluwole’s emergence as NAGAFF President as an answer to the heartfelt prayers of most members of NAGAFF even as he stated the Oluwole was the most versatile and experienced freight forwarder in the association.

Chidiebere said, “After serving as the Acting President for 242 days, today I am so joyful because Mr. Adeyemi Oluwole is back to begin his reign as President. As the BOT Chairman, my tenure as Acting President was evoked by the NEC in order to ensure that there was no vacuum while Mr. Oluwole was away.”

“My short stint as Acting President was revealing and I have discovered that there is an urgent need for transparency and all committees must be functional. I would advise Mr. Adeyemi Oluwole to pay special attention to the Finance, Welfare and Insurance committees”.

The BOT Chairman also recalled that during his administration NAGAFF paid some courtesy visits to the Minister of Industry, Trade and Investment, the Police AIG Maritime, the Director General of the Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA), etc.

Chidiebere also called for support from all members and executives of the association for the newly inaugurated president, even as he urged the president to be accountable and transparent.

He added that salaries were paid promptly during his tenure and expressed hope that the trend would continue as Oluwole takes over.

Chief Increase Uche was also sworn in as the NAGAFF Deputy National President, Headquarters.

Meanwhile, the CRFFN Registrar Mike Jukwe, who was represented by the Director, Education and Research, Mr. Ifeanyi Chukwu advised the new President to extend a hand of friendship to sister freight forwarding associations.

The CRFFN boss said that such collaboration would be crucial to the development of the freight forwarding practice in the nation.

Mr. Ifeanyi also had congratulatory messages for the new NAGAFF helmsman even as he noted that CRFFN was impressed with the succession plan in NAGAFF. He admonished Mr. Oluwole to ensure he makes more significant achievements than his predecessors.

Ifeanyi Chukwu also said, “the achievements of the CRFFN in recent times can be attributed to the contributions of NAGAFF and I am convinced that under Adeyemi’s governance, NAGAFF is set for greater things”

Also speaking at the ceremony, the Director of Ports and Maritime Services at the Nigerian Shippers’ Council (NSC) Mr. Celestine Akujobi commended NAGAFF for its role in developing the nation’s maritime sector.

Akujobi, who was speaking on behalf of the Executive Secretary of the Shippers’ Council, Barrister Hassan Bello, also expressed hope in the new President of NAGAFF and he gave assurances that the Council would always partner with NAGAFFF as it had benefitted immensely from its cordial relationship with the association.


By Kenneth Jukpor

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