FG to conduct statistical surveys with N947m

FG to conduct statistical surveys with N947m
Statistician General for the Federation/Chief Executive, NBS, Dr. Yemi Kale

 The Federal Government is proposing to spend a total sum of N946.6m to carry out 21 statistical surveys in the 2017 fiscal period through the National Bureau of Statistics.

Details of the spending are contained in the 2017 budget proposal, which was submitted to a joint session of the National Assembly by President Muhammadu Buhari on December 14.

The N7.3tn budget has a capital vote of N2.24tn, representing 30.7 per cent, while the recurrent component stood at N2.98tn, with the rest set aside for debt servicing.

A breakdown of the N946.6m shows that the government is planning to spend the sum of N240.25m to carry out job creation and labour force survey, while N201.84m has been allocated for the agriculture sample survey.

For the solid minerals and mining sector survey, a total sum of N109.38m is budgeted for the exercise, while N105.31m is set aside for the Nigerian living standard survey.

In the same vein, the sum of N2.74m is proposed for the social statistics survey; N4.84m for the aviation sector report; N31.32m for survey on arts and entertainment; N6m for energy and environment statistics; and N6.17m for demographic statistics.

Similarly, the sum of N2.2m is allocated for the quarterly telecoms sector report; N42.99m for the Sustainable Development Goals’ survey; N2.48m for the labour productivity report; and N76.38m for the price statistics report.

The rest are N3m for the capital importation report; N4.12m to produce a report on states’ internally generated revenue; N16m for the annual abstract of statistics; N2.6m for the banks’ credit and deposits report; and N10.45m for trade statistics.

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