New Port Police Commissioner: What’s On The Table?

New Port Police Commissioner: What’s On The Table?

Now that a new port police commissioner has been deployed to take over from Mr. Kayode Aderanti, whose stay was brief as the commissioner in the port, what should be the expectation of the maritime operators and stakeholders? Anyway, the …

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Becoming A Pilot: Step-by-Step Career Guide

Hope and Hopelessness: Growing Local Capacity

If Nigeria wants to develop her indigenous aviation sector, it is advisable that the government make a legislation that indigenes must form greater quota of their employees rather than flooding the sector with expatriates, meanwhile some of the expatriates use …

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bringbackourgirls: An Eclipse Of Headlines

Bringbackourgirls: An Eclipse Of Headlines

It seems that that the #bringbackourgirls protest has finally died down. It so looks as if people are tired of carrying placards and protesting to bring back our girls. Even the Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and civil society groups seemed to …

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Economic Palava: Shippers' Council And Time Frame

Economic Palava: Shippers’ Council And Time Frame

  Prior to the ascendancy of the Nigerian Shippers’ Council to the throne of the economic regulator of the Nigerian ports, many stakeholders had clamoured for it especially that role would best be performed  by the Council for its strategic …

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Kpanklemess: Rain And Lagos Roads

  The season of rain is here after a period of break but not without some trouble for road users especially in Lagos State where the roads are fraught with pot-holes and slippery in some areas. Since the rain resurfaced …

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2015 Elections: Lagos Retracts Stringent Policies

2015 Elections: Lagos Retracts Stringent Policies

A motorcyclist popularly known as Okada man picked a passenger from Eleganza plaza in Apapa and was taking him to Barracks bus stop where id fraught with police men and women manning the junctions and controlling traffic and most time, …

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FEC on National Transport Commission bill

NTC, Where Are Thou?

National Transport Commission (NTC) has been severally longed for to serve as the regulatory body for the transport sector in Nigeria at least to minimise if cannot completely eradicate the mess and impunity that pervades the sector all the years …

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Leadership Kwashiorkor

Leadership Kwashiorkor: How Did We Get Here?

Suicide bombing, kidnapping bomb explosions and such other vices were alien to Nigeria a few years ago; we only read about them in newspapers and wondered if what we heard were actually true. Sometimes, we thought it was movie stunt …

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Exit of A Petro-Icon

Exit of A Petro-Icon: Life and Times of Alhaji Rilwanu Lukman

The history of the Petroleum Industry in Nigeria cannot be fully told without recourse to the contributions of one man-Alhaji Rilwanu Lukman. The former Petroleum Minister passed away in Vienna Austria on 21st July 2014, but left his indelible footprints …

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Barbarism On Pen: Beware Of These Journalists

Barbarism On Pen: Beware Of These Journalists

The scripture says what shall it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul? This biblical allusion is apt to describe those who practice journalism with bitterness, wanting to get all and leaving others with nothing. …

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BRT Versus The Army, Who Takes The Blame?

BRT Versus The Army Who Takes The Blame? If they are powerful as they claim, will our Chibok girls still be languishing in Sambisa forest? If they are powerful as they claim, will our borders be so porous that insurgents …

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