Lagos District: ICAN Partners  Stakeholders For Economic Growth

Lagos District: ICAN Partners  Stakeholders For Economic GrowthBy Oyeniyi Iwakun

It was a memorable event last week, as the Lagos Mainland and District Society (LMDS) of Institute of Chartered Accountants (ICAN) played host to the institute’s 53rd President as part of activities to mark the district’s chairmanship year.

The activities of every chairmanship year of the LMDS climaxes with the visit of the ICAN president; a day all members always look forward to. This is because; such visit is always pregnant with several interesting activities among others. The 2018 event under Mrs. Ngozi Osakwe-Ogo as the district 23rd chairman took another dimension as it witnessed new innovations and creative ideas.

Preparations towards the occasion started some weeks earlier, with consultations and courtesy visits to notable and reputable organizations and other impactful programmes. The relentless efforts, cooperation, commitments and zeal of LMDS members was the secret behind the success of the long awaited presidential visit. Mrs. Osakwe-Ogo no doubt enjoys the support and goodwill of her colleagues and team members at the district probably due to her uncommon charismatic qualities.

The 2018 presidential visit featured historic courtesy visit to a College of Technology, (YABATECH), Nigerian Shippers Council, dinner, lecture and fund raising.

The 53rd President, Isma’ila Muhammadu Zakari, represented by Mrs. Onome Joy Adewuyi, 2nd Deputy Vice President  arrived at the district’s secretariat in the morning as scheduled and interacted with the LMDS members before proceeding to YABATECH, Lagos; on a courtesy visit where he signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on areas of common interests to both organizations and also had an interactive session with the accounting students of the institution with a view to enlightening them on salient issues in the accounting profession that most of the students hitherto wouldn’t have known.

Receiving the ICAN delegation at YABATECH, the Rector, Engr. Babafemi Omokungbe who provided a warm reception for his guests acknowledged the existing age-long cordial relationship between YABATECH and ICAN which has been progressive and rewarding, noting that Accountancy is one of the programmes highly sought-after by prospective students.

Engr. Omokungbe recognized the immeasurable contributions and support of ICAN to the college; in terms of very high number of renowned accountants produced and have contributed to the economic growth of the country.

He said; “The support from ICAN over the years is commendable, the institute has created and sustained high standard of Accountancy profession in the country; its contribution to the curricular of accountancy has enriched the programme so much that many of our students become Chattered even while in school; Donations of books and journals to the departmental library, guidance and contributions has assisted the college in achieving professional accreditation meritoriously and other contributions and support too numerous to mention.”

While assuring of continuous support for the promotion of teaching and learning accountancy in the college, the Rector implored the ICAN visitors to revisit its proposed building construction for Accountancy Department which ICAN initiated; provide literatures’, journals and books on contemporary issues for the college’s library and initiate programmes that will afford the staff opportunity to do their sabbatical leave in big Audit Firms for six months or one year to acquire practical experience even as he assured that ICAN requests from the institution would be looked into by the management with positive outcomes.

In her response, Mrs. Onome Adewuyi appreciated the Rector for the warm reception and also lauded the college for sustaining the long term relationship between it and ICAN, assuring that ICAN would do everything possible to attend to the Rector’s prayers within the shortest period of time.

The ICAN boss noted that ICAN doesn’t condone corruption, hence its unwavering integrity. She therefore thanked the management for employing ICAN members in academic and other non-academic positions in the college while demanding that more members be engaged.

Adewuyi also asked for support in terms of members’ subscription and attendance at ICAN seminars, trainings, congresses and conferences especially the upcoming international conference at Australia in August 2018.

“We are proud to be associated with this school.  In particular, we are happy to note that the first professional examination of our institute was successfully held in 0ctober 1968 in a hall made available free of charge by YABATECH. YABATECH is the first polytechnic to be given accounting department accreditation by the institute in 1972.

“ICAN is the leading professional body in Nigeria and beyond. We are a founding member of the world body, International Federation of Accountants   and as we speak today, Nigeria is representing Africa on that board, with person of General Sebastine Owuama, past ICAN president.

“ICAN has produced over 43,000 chattered accountants since inception and we are still doing more.” He said.

Among the notable places visited was the Nigerian Shippers Council (NSC) where both organizations agreed to synergize and ensure that businesses thrive and trades facilitated in line with the ease of doing business policy of the federal government of Nigeria and in tandem international best practices.

The Director, Inland Services, NSC,  Mr. Akin Makinde who received the guests on behalf of the Executive secretary, Barrister Hassan Bello expressed satisfaction with the conduct, intellectual and professional disposition of ICAN members in NSC.

Mr. Makinde took the delegation on the history and roles of NSC coupled with the remarkable achievements of the council over the years especially under the leadership of Hassan Bello, noting that NSC was recently appointed as the ports economic regulator. He also availed the visiting ICAN members with the investment opportunities in the ongoing Inland Dry Port projects and Truck Transit Parks (TTPs) in the country.

Reacting to the demand by the ICAN delegation, Shippers’ Council announced its decision to sponsor 6 NSC staff that are ICAN members to the 2018 International Accountancy Conference at Australia while informing the delegation of NSC’s culture of prioritizing staff welfare and others toward building capacity.

Reacting on behalf of ICAN, Mrs. Adewuyi lauded the impressive professionalism displayed by Mr. Makinde during his presentation as she admitted that the delegation learnt a lot about NSC in the process. The ICAN boss urged that efforts be intensified towards making Nigeria the maritime hub in Africa and even best in the world.

“We are not really surprised because one of us, Mrs. Osakwe-Ogo, chairing the LMDS and working with you here is a good ambassador of your organization. She is very professional and she does everything with so much passion. I think it is the training she has received from this organization that she brought to us. I must thank you for all you have implanted in her.

“Before the presentation, my thought whenever Shippers’ Council is mentioned is how many ships they have because I felt they were into shipping business but we now realize that you are a very critical aspect to the survival of this country ” she said.

In her welcome address at the presidential dinner which featured lecture and launching of 50 million building fund, Mrs. Ngozi Osakwe-Ogo acknowledged the presence of the president and other distinguished guest at the event.

Giving her account of stewardship, Mrs. Osakwe-Ogo highlighted the various activities and achievements of the district ever since re the mantle of leadership.  In her statement, executive meetings and general meetings where seasoned resource persons were invited to give lectures on emerging issues have been held consistently with remarkable and larger turnout of members at each successive meeting.

Positing that the district has visited quite a number of organizations including Custodian and Allied Insurance; Alata Nzewi, Oyeka and Co (chattered Accountants), Mr. Akinyemi Ashade, Lagos state commissioner for finance; Sir Emmanuel Ijewere and Mr. Chidi Onyeukwu Ajaegbu,  past ICAN presidents and Patrons of ICAN LMDS and many others, Mrs. Osakwe-Ogo said her district participated in all relevant ICAN conferences since coming on board, organized “Catch Them Young Programme” to encourage younger ones to take interest in the accountancy profession.

“Mr. President Sir, the activities so far and the events this evening are indications that we have been on the move since we came on board in July 2, 2017. We have been doing our best to propagate the ideals of our great Institute in all we do.

“As it is the tradition of the district to always remember the needy and less privileged, we have visited the Red Cross Motherless & Abandon Babies Home, Makoko road, Yaba; Old People Home, Sabo, Yaba where material and cash gifts were given to them as part of Charity and Corporate Social Responsibilities.

“As a professional body, mindful of our public image and duties, we owe to the general public; securing a more permanent location for the district has been the pre-occupation of successive executives of the district. On behalf of the executives and the entire members of LMDS, I humbly make this appeal to our president to consider our peculiarities and the urgent need for us to relocate to a professionally operative environment with the view to making a good case for us before the council of our institute.” She said.

She concluded by appreciating her guests, members of her team and everyone who has contributed to the success of the event.

Earlier, the Chairman of the occasion, Gen. Sebastine Owuama (Rtd) appreciated the guests for their prompt attendance even as he was optimistic that the guest lecturer, Dr. Okey Ani, a renowned World Bank consultant would do justice to the topic.

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