bears: Who’s Next?

bears: Who’s Next?
Bears Thumbs Down Who’s Next?

It was surprising to hear that  a drunken police man shot at a truck driver three times deliberately and killed him in the process because the deceased asked the police man why he eased himself on the tyre of his car.  The police man- murderer escaped only to assemble a bunch of policemen in uniform who came and created public nuisance at the spot, in solidarity of their friend who had killed somebody.

The Police Area Commander in Apapa denied knowledge of the incident. The police authority must produce the police-predator. It is the turn of the truck driver today, who’s next?  Why blame the okada riders when they mob law enforcement agents, when the police has the privilege to kill and be protected?
The greatest surprise was that members of the  Joint Seaport Truck Owners could not make moves to prevent the killer-policeman from running away, rather they dispersed from their meeting point.  Was the deceased, Alhaji Dan Jos a fowl ?

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