AGOA And Bottlenecks To Exports

AGOA And Bottlenecks To Exports

 In recent times the debate on the true function of the Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) has come to the front burner but the federal government seems so satisfied as the Customs generates several hundreds of billions annually whilst the Service …

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Shippers’ Council Seals PS Maritime, Reopens Cosco Shipping

Challenges Facing Shippers’ Council As Port Economic Regulator

The Nigerian Shippers Council’s regime as the port economic regulator is tipped to have brought about a new vigour and confidence to many stakeholders in the maritime industry (except you are asking some of the aggrieved terminal operators). The Council’s …

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West African Trade And  Transport Challenges 

West African Trade And  Transport Challenges 

 Intra- African trade has never really soared and it is one of the factors that has stunted the growth of many African countries and the continent at large. Nevertheless, a new body has appeared on the scene and it promises …

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Maritime Courts: To Be Or Not To Be?

Maritime Courts: To Be Or Not To Be?

 Several factors negate the expeditious determination of cases in Nigerian courts today and the maritime sector has suffered massively as a result of the delay in administering justice at Nigerian courts and the damage done to businesses and vessels arrested …

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Ali’s Revenue Records Deception In Customs

  The Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) is currently basking in the euphoria of having generated a mammoth N95.7 billion in the month of August 2016. According to the Customs spokesman, Mr. Wale Adeniyi, the figure was the highest recorded in …

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Developing Nigeria’s Maritime Industry Through Arbitration, Connectivity

Developing Nigeria’s Maritime Industry Through Arbitration, Connectivity

 By Kenneth Jukpor Nigeria is endowed with vast hinterland, coastline and navigable inland waterways and is strategically placed on the Atlantic coast of West Africa. About 76% of the shipping business that takes place in West Africa is carried out …

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FG  Renews  Bello’s Appointment  

CTN To Boost Customs, NPA And NIMASA’s Revenue- Hassan Bello

 The Executive Secretary of the Nigerian Shippers’ Council, Barr. Hassan Bello recently had a media parley and MMS Plus was there to bring you the management’s views on several pertinent maritime issues even as the Shippers’ Council boss unveiled some …

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The Wharf Landing Fee Conundrum

The Wharf Landing Fees Conundrum

Since Lagos State Government was allowed to begin the collection of wharf landing fees in 2009, it was only a matter of time before other states demand for the same privilege. As the home to Nigeria’s biggest and busiest ports, …

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CILT Elections: Crisis Looms, Jubril May Step Down

CILT Elections: Crisis Looms, Jubril May Step Down

While the dust in Port Harcourt, Rivers State on the crisis over the People Democratic party PDP national convention is yet to settle, the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport CILT is set for another Port Harcourt saga over its …

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VIN Valuation: Customs Make U-turn, Gives One Month Grace Period


The Gains Of The Change Mantra In The Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) It became, at a point, too obvious to all that change was urgently needed in the country. And this change, not for change’s sake. It was to be …

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The Emergence Of The Sisterhood

The Emergence Of The Sisterhood

By Kingsley Anaroke with agency report ‘If you want something done ask a woman; if you want something said ask a man.’-Margaret Thatcher Are women about to rule the world? You might think so if you’ve been watching the schoolboy …

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The Emergence Of The Sisterhood

Mentorship And The Rise Of Women In Leadership

Is the world titling towards female domination in leadership and governance? Will the subtleness of a woman bring about peace in today’s world that is full of chaos? Who will be the next female president and what country would it …

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New NPA MD: Good Or Bad Omen?

New NPA MD: Good Or Bad Omen?

The appointment of Ms. Hadiza Usman as the Managing Director of the Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA) leaves a lot to be desired, especially following the manner in which top administrators are selected to head parastatals in the Transport sector. The Nigerian …

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Why NCAA May Not To Implement Some Safety Recommendations - Demuren

Air Transport: When Profit  is Superior  To  Safety

There are fears that the aviation sector may go back to the old ways when the country recorded many air accidents because of the difficult economic times. Airlines are finding it difficult to generate enough revenue to carry out their …

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New PFSO Regime: Aspirations and Challenges

New PFSO Regime: Aspirations and Challenges

Port facility security lies within the framework of ISPS, and it is an essential and integral part of the process of developing or updating the port facility security plan. The purpose of the port facility security assessment is following: Identification …

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Sliding Oil Revenue: OPEC’s Fever, Nigeria’s Malaria

Sliding Oil Revenue: OPEC’s Fever, Nigeria’s Malaria

There is no doubt that crude oil has contributed substantially to Nigeria’s revenue since its discovery in 1956 and more especially, since 1970 when its price was on the upward trend. But, the reverse has been the case since 2014 …

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Auto Policy: Is The FG Planning A Reverse?

Auto Policy: Is The FG Planning A Reverse?

As a result of the economic challenges in Nigeria and the dire need to generate as much revenue as possible for the nation whilst improving the general standard of living of the citizens, some concerned stakeholders have advocated for a …

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Mass Sack, Single Attack

Mass Sack, Single Attack

The mass sack in the banking industry led by three lenders and the plan by others to follow suit has not only sent shock waves to the economy but already signposted an outcome on the second quarter Gross Domestic Product …

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Maritime Sector Bills: Advancing or Altered By National Assembly?

Maritime Sector Bills: Advancing or Altered By National Assembly?

Recent developments trailing the National Transport Commission (NTC) bill and the Ports and Habours bill, have begun to fuel speculations that the raft of maritime bills before the National Assembly have been doctored to lose the initial purpose. While the …

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Ailing Nigerian Economy: Maritime Sector The Headway

Ailing Nigerian Economy: Maritime Sector The Headway

For more than three decades, crude oil has been a major source of revenue, energy and foreign exchange for the Nigerian economy. Nigeria’s economy as at today is struggling to leverage the country’s vast wealth in fossil fuels in order …

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