BULLS: Model PRO! 

Model PRO! 
Bulls thumbs up for a Model PRO!

Bull eavesdropped on a discussion between Steve Okonmah the Public Relation Officer (PRO) of the Nigerian Customs Service (NCS) at the Ports and Terminal Multiservice Ltd (PTML) Command and a female visitor who asked him to always keep his office door closed so that the air-condition in his office could circulate very well. But due to his large heart, he said he purposely left it open so that he would be able to see those coming to see him and to be able to stop his officers from denying those coming to see him from doing so.

He was quick to remember that somebody had helped him when he was nobody and would not deter anyone who needs his help and also said that even if he was made the CAC, his style will be to keep his door constantly open for people. And bull asks, how many PROs can say the same thing?

Some PROs will rather see your coming as a threat.  This is a contract to many of his colleagues, who would choose to disappear on sighting people, especially journalists. Others would rather pick quarrels or squeeze their “container” face, all in an attempt to evade questions or enquiries.

Anyway, if you have nothing to hide, you will operate like Okonmah.

He is a model PRO in Customs Service.

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