The fear of Buhari, the beginning of…

The fear of Buhari, the beginning of…
Muhammadu Buhari, President Elect

It is not yet May 29 but already the wind of change blowing across the oil and gas sector has sent jitters to dubious stakeholders in the maritime sector and left them  scampering like scared rats and making unsuccessful attempt to clutch at a straw that will soon break.

The $20b missing funds in the Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) have started materializing gradually as result of fear of probe from the incoming government. It was denied before that the funds were actually missing, but when the yet to come government said that it was going to look; into it, it started coming out.

Recall that the incoming government has vowed to probe the missing funds, the investigations and findings of the PriceWaterCoopers (PWC) notwithstanding.

Some out of fear have even started making plans to declare their asset before the day of reckoning.

This fear also hangs over the maritime sector as a result of the inconsistencies that besieged it.

The concession agreement is one issue well-meaning Nigerians believed should be looked into. They questioned how tenants all of a sudden can take over the role of the landlords and no eyebrows would be raised.  They now dictate what we do in our own house. The depleted Cabotage Vessel Financing Fund (CVFF) is crying to be replaced. The NIMASA-Tompolo transaction which was shrouded in mystery, covered in secrecy is begging to be laid bare to the public because it has almost but stopped activities at the agency. There are court cases also that need to be looked into especially the one between the tenants that think themselves landlord and the umpire of the maritime sector .There are other issues Nigerians believe the wind of change will blow away or as the case maybe blow back.

The maritime sector remains the second largest revenue generating sector in the counting after the oil and gas sector. And may well take over the oil and gas sector as a result of its dwindling oil prices, and if round pegs are adequately placed in round holes.

So, Nigerians strongly believe that the wind of change will reduce the anomalies in the sector to the barest minimum. They believe it will bring an end to era of corruptive influences and charts a new economical viable course based on integrity and positive attitude towards work.

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