NIWA Appoints 10 New Area Managers

Why We Have Waterways Accidents – Mamora
Senator Olorunnimbe Mamora, Managing Director, National Inland Waterways Authority (NIWA)

By Kenneth Jukpor


As part of efforts to guarantee better service delivery, optimum performance and efficiency, the Managing Director of National Inland Waterway Authority (NIWA), Senator Olorunnimbe Mamora has rejigged the personnel of the Authority’s Area Offices nationwide.


The General Manager Corporate Affairs, NIWA, Mr. Tayo Fadile revealed this in statement in Lokoja yesterday, stating that the decision was taken at the Management meeting held recently at the headquarters of NIWA in Lokoja, Kogi State.


Fadile noted that ten senior officers were appointed as new Area Managers, three were redeployed to other Area Offices, five retained their positions and four were recalled back to the headquarters.


Although he did not give details of the appointments, he quoted the Managing Director to have said that “the new posting is an attempt not only to put the round pegs in the round holes, but the officers were carefully selected to enhance the operational efficiency of the Authority and also strengthen the revenue drive and provide better service delivery to all the relevant stakeholders nationwide”.


He also disclosed that the appointment was with immediate effect.

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