Wake Up LASWA!
Bears thumbs down the wanton killing of innocent Nigerians through boat accident

Bears thumbs down the wanton killing of innocent Nigerians through boat accident. Last week, bears gathered that yet another boat sank and killed four of its passengers. This has become a common phenomenon in recent times; the intervention of Lagos Waterways Authority (LASWA) brought high hopes to Lagosians on waterways transport but recent events put doubts on the supposed intervention.

If occurrence like this becomes too common, then questions will be asked on the efficacy of the training given to the boat drivers, the enforcement of rules governing the navigation of the waterways.

Authorities of LASWA said that boat drivers have been warned not to over speed or ply at night but it is not just enough to give these laws, it is pertinent that the laws are enforced too. It is sad that precious lives are lost and the authorities of LASWA should be made to take responsibility and wake up.

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