BEARS: Lagos Beggars

BEARS: Lagos Beggars

The streets of Lagos have become characterized by beggars of various classes, age groups and ethnicity. The most appalling, however, is the sight of little children begging which appears to be the norm for poor Northerners in Nigeria’s commercial headquarters.

As observed by our correspondence, mostly looking unkempt, these children between the ages of three to 15 usually cling themselves to people who come to buy supplies at the market or walk with passengers alighting at bus stops for a long-distance until they get something from the person, or are convinced that the person will not dispense any cash.

Begging shouldn’t be a job, but it can pass as a business or career in Lagos. The truth is that the growing number of beggars is a reflection of the ever-increasing hardship in the country called ‘Nigeria’.

Well, the government needs to intervene and make concerted efforts to get these children off the streets! They deserve better! They are the future of Nigeria!

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