It’s a common knowledge that most tailors in Nigeria often disappoint their customers, and my neighbor who is a tailor seems to have high attribute of that.One day,my neighbor sighted his customer from afar coming to collect her cloth, he quickly locked his front door and entered through the back door. The woman came, knocked endlessly. Thus,she also entered through the back door which she saw was open. She saw a covered woman-like being, who seems to be sick, she tried uncovering her,she refused, she was also talking like a woman. The woman came and knocked at my door saying ” It seems mama is very sick, please let’s take her to the hospital”, following her to the room, behold!,it was my neighbor. I immediately rushed out and bursts into laughter. The woman forcefully uncovered her and she shouted, ” Samuel!” and he said ” please don’t shout”
Tailors, erase that common knowledge for a futuristic tomorrow!

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