BEARS: Authority Stealing!

Authority Stealing!
As people are clamouring that the government should fix the bad roads in Apapa and the environs because of its adverse effect on the economy of the country and the health of the people living within the area, some security officials deployed to help ameliorate the suffering of the people have since harped on the development to unleash more pain on the people rather than taking care of the situation. Despite the report of Bears last week about the same development, it was gathered that the illegal toll of N1, 000 has been increased to N2, 000 as if they meant to dare the authorities in charge of the port. Bears witnessed where one of the truck drivers was lamenting how he had to part with almost N10, 000 per trip before he could gain entrance into the port as he has to settle at every junction before he will be allowed to pass.
Even some of the once respected forces have joined in the train; where do we turn? Bears ask.