BULLS: Hbd Mrs. Hamman!!!

BULLS: Hbd Mrs. Hamman!!!
President of Women’s International Shipping and Trading Association (WISTA) Nigeria, Mrs. Mary Hamman

The immediate-past President of Women’s International Shipping and Trading Association (WISTA) Nigeria, Mrs. Mary Hamman celebrated her birthday on Tuesday last week.

Mary is a charming personality whose dynamism and humility saw her attain laudable feats during her stint as WISTA PresIdent. If you find a company of smiles, an ambience of bliss and words of upliftment and inspiration, you can be sure Mary Hamman is around. Her simplicity, kind words and availability for story-telling endears her to many friends who love her and frankly, we are yet to find her enemies; but we can bet they also love her.

The management and staff of Kings Communications Limited join all friends and well-wishers, in celebrating this eminent personality as we wish her long life and prosperity.

Happy birthday ma!

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