Suwaid: A Metaphor For Red-Tapeism In Civil Service
What baffles one more is that this is happening in an era of ease of doing business policy of the government. There are Suwaids in NIMASA, NPA, NSC, NRC, and other parastatals across all sectors. Invariably, Suwaid is now a metaphor for red-tapeism in Nigeria’s civil service.
It is too bad that he allowed himself to be used as a sacrificial lamb for the many sins of others. The surprise all this months is that the CEO seems to have been indifferent to the act in the face of damaging complaints brought before the management. This is unlike the Amazon, Hadiza! What went wrong? These hidden documents are still begging for attention. This piece of communication does not wish to be applauded by all. It seeks to address this systemic menace frontally through identifying the problem and the persons responsible, and exposing them for a positive change. The sin(s) of a worker should no longer be transferred to the CEO in a civil service set up. Why not revert the document(s) to a superior’s office if need be than kill an idea without reasons?