Election Fever In The Port

Election Fever In The PortThe air is electric and the atmosphere charged as a result of the election. Nigerians are caught up with the election fever. The immigration service has closed both land and sea borders. People are panic-buying and selling in anticipation and preparation of any eventuality.

Many from other parts of the country have traveled to their state to be on the ‘safer side’ Prices of food items are skyrocketing, area boys are having a field day taking advantage of the situation to loot the unwary and the unguarded.

People are in expectation of the worse. And as a result of this frenzied situation, an artificial scarcity of commodities has been created. People are afraid and helpless not knowing the way out.

What do all these portend to the fledgling Nigeria Ports which are struggling to stand on it’s feet? The way the election goes will seriously determine the position of the port. If the sitting government wins, will there be more innovative changes to the laws guiding the port or will the ports continue toddling? And if the opposition wins, will there be changes like they promised or are the promises one of these political gimmicks to convince the populace to cast their vote for them? The Nigeria Ports are  viable means of revenue generation to the country, therefore it should be protected and its guiding principles upheld. It should not be used as a political tool.

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