BEARS: Supremacy Battle

Supremacy Battle
bears thumbs down Supremacy Battle

Bears witnessed an unpleasant display of public indecency as Lucky Amiwero, a factional leader of the National Council of Managing Directors of Customs Licensed Agents (NCMDCLA) who was visibly angry when the National President of the other faction, Festus Ejiofor was invited to the high table at an event organised by the Standard Organisation of Nigeria (SON).

Amiwero said, “How can somebody who cannot speak good English or express himself be asked to come to the high table?” he queried. He added that he would leave if Ejiofor was asked to come down.

If not for the intervention of the Senior Special Adviser (SSA) to the President on Maritime Affairs Leke Oyewole and DG of SON Dr. Joseph Odumodu, the event would have been a supremacy battle.

Bear asks, “Is this a supremacy battle?”

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