Operatives conniving with oil thieves will face sanctions —Navy

Operatives conniving with oil thieves will face sanctions —Navy
Rear Admiral Ibok-Ete Ekwe Ibas – Chief of Naval Staff

The Chief of the Naval Staff, Vice Admiral Ibok-Ete Ibas, has said that some security personnel were colluding with criminals to sabotage the efforts of the security agencies.

The CNS accused the operatives of conniving with miscreants to engage in illegal oil bunkering and crude oil theft.

Speaking during the decoration of newly promoted 18 rear admirals in Abuja on Wednesday, Ibas warned that such unholy alliance would be met with stiff sanctions.

He said as leaders, the senior officers were expected to be above board and ensure that their subordinates equally buy into the “zero-tolerance stance of the NN against all forms of illegalities and criminalities at sea and ashore.”

The CNS noted, “The Navy in collaboration with other security agencies have continuously striven to protect the economic mainstay of the country through various operations to counter illegal oil bunkering and crude oil theft.

“While there are significant achievements in the fight against these maritime crimes, there are a pocket of personnel colluding with criminals to sabotage these efforts.

“Let me, therefore, warn that any act of collusion with criminals or sabotage of measures employed to checkmate illegalities will be met with stiff sanctions in accordance with the law of the land.”

In his remarks, the Minister of Defence, Maj. Gen. Bashir Magashi (retd.), reminded the new naval rear admirals that their promotion comes with hard work, greater responsibilities and expectations.

“With this promotion, you will be expected to filter and perfect critical decisions into workable solutions to the numerous security challenges confronting the nation,” he admonished.

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