Nigeria Produces 236.97bcf Gas In November

Nigeria Produces 236.97bcf Gas In November

Nigeria’s gas production stood at 236.97 billion cubic feet (bcf), translating to an average daily output of 7,899.01 million standard cubic feet per (mmscfd) in November, 2017.

This represents a 0.03 per cent decrease compared to the previous month of October 2017.

The Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), which made this disclosure in its monthly financial report for November, said the daily average natural gas supply to power plants amounted to 743.06 mmscfd, or equivalent to power generation of 3,115 megawatts (MW).

The report indicated that this is 7.98 per cent higher than the October levels, and 32.92 per cent higher than the corresponding supply recorded in November 2016.

NNPC said out of the 236.80bcf gas supplied in November 2017, a total of 136.65bcf of gas was commercialised comprising of 35.33bcf and 101.32bcf for the domestic and export market respectively.

This, it said, translates to an average daily supply of 1,177.49 mmscfd of gas to the domestic market, and 3,377.42mmscfd to the export market.

According to the report, about 57.71 per cent of the average daily gas produced was commercialised, while the balance of 42.49 per cent was re-injected, used as upstream fuel gas, or flared.

Gas flare rate was 11.08 per cent in November or 874.72mmscfd compared with average the 10.90 per cent or 817.92mmscfd flared in the one year period, November 2016 to November 2017.

It stated: “Total gas supply for the period November 2016 to November 2017 stood at 2,993.23bcf out of which 402.43bcf and 1,733.38bcf were for the domestic and export market respectively, and commercialised, while the gas re-injected, fuel gas, and flared stood at 1,259.85bcf.

“Out of the 1,177.49mmscfd of gas supplied to the domestic market in November 2017, about 743.06mmscfd of gas representing 63.11 per cent was supplied to gas-fired power plants, while the balance of 434.43mmscfd or 36.89 per cent was supplied to other industries. Year-on-year, an average of 1,021.64mmscfd of gas was supplied to the domestic market comprising of an average of 630.79mmscfd or (61.7 per cent) gas supplied to the power plants and 390.85mmscfd or (38.26 per cent) gas supplied to industries.

The Group Managing Director, NNPC, Dr. Maikanti Baru, said the Corporation is adopting the Public Private Partnership (PPP) models in building and expanding gas infrastructure.

He said the development of the Ajaokuta-Abuja-Kaduna-Kano (AKK) Gas pipelines, which is the first in line under the arrangement, would be built through contractor financing, where the selected contractors would provide funding for the building of the lines, and recover their cost through transportation tariff

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