Late Mrs. Promise Anaroke: Epitome Of Goodness

Late Mrs. Promise Anaroke: Epitome Of Goodness
Late Mrs. Promise Anaroke

Late Mrs. Promise Anaroke’s death was untimely. It is sad and words can’t aptly describe the grief of the family, friends, colleagues and the entire maritime industry. However, as encomiums continue to pour in for her from the maritime sector and beyond, one could be forgiven if she was seen as the only woman to have reached the top management level at a maritime, logistics or politics.

Nevertheless, it was simply the little good deeds that Promise did consistently that have thrown all stakeholders into mourning at her demise.  She was consistent in her selfless service, a refined team-player who carried everyone along with love and humility. Although her meritorious service, knowledge, professionalism and finesse were ever glaring attributes, her humility was never in doubt.

Promise would be missed greatly in the industry. She would be missed luxuriantly by her family and her community where she had become a shining light and a ray of hope to many as a political figure.


What have her friends and colleagues said about her?

Life As A Slice Of Bread – Kingsley Anaroke (husband)

I have been robbed. And most unfortunately, robbed of my most treasured treasure. I have been robbed off my Bankable Promise and promises. Can I ever recover my Promise? I wish I could.  How do I cope without her? It is still morning to mourn. Life is indeed wicked!

 From the scratch, we chose a path less travelled as mortals and invited as well as influenced many people to follow. The journey was of mixed grills and colours; tedious, sweet and bitter   but regrettably just before getting to the cliff of the hill; the envy of mortals threw you off, leaving me at crossroads of confusion. I wished you had resisted those conspiracies of the night.  We all wished you had said no.

I am heart- broken and lonely.

I still can’t accept that it is a reality.

They say Love is powerful but I never believed it could cringe so fearfully before conspiracies and death. I had thought that it could overcome all things. 

Our secrets and the spirit behind our bond have been exposed with your unceremonious exit. 

You have forced me to reveal that you were the half of me, my twin sister, my trigger, my teacher in human management, my manager, my pearl of inspiration, my opium of confidence, my partner, my co-thinker, my organizer.

Now, I can’t place the definition of life anymore. The worst is even defining Christianity and the potency of prayers. Both appeared to have been complicit in your demise. 

Or, is it that I and the warriors of God did not pray well? Is it that the men of God were wooden beings? Where are all their assurances from God? No doubt, you did your best to live but the forces were overwhelming.

It was a fight that provided no return match opportunity for me and regrettably, I lost it. I got an upper-cut and you submitted. Oh! How weak I was! I failed you this time, baby!

How can I possibly accept this reality?

I believe I can find you, so I hang my farewell.

Since we discovered our existential and conjugal essence, we had taken steps to consummate the obligations bestowed on us. The most pressing of the obligations is to drive changes that will positively impact lives. This, we have been committed to over the years at corporate and private levels. Driven by the zest to reach greater number of people in this call, we concluded that politics of legacy and values to life can deliver our goal and so we entered the political ring with you as the pugilist. We were convinced that a tweak of the prevalent odious political leadership norm of “personal purpose” could help win converts for the intended new standards for politicking and political leadership and ultimately usher in the transformational leadership, where touching lives is the key.

I am glad that you held the vision and defended this principle all through your brief political sojourn with legacies, mentees and records of improved lives to show.

In political delivery, you radiated love, empathy, compassion, peace, equity and held empowerment as a philosophy that must not be questioned.

Despite the political sacrifices and all that l believe claimed your life; I will not regret our foray into politics to change the paradigm of political leadership.

You left without my usual hug from you. You did not think of what becomes of Mama with whom you shared so much love. You did not say ” farewell’ to little Promise. What about the workers? They are still waiting for your usual calls of encouragement and enquiry: “How is the production going?”

I am expecting your call to ask what the lead story for the week will be.

Indeed, your life was like a slice of bread to me. You know I always asked for more slices, each time you served me few slices.

What can I do without you?

Your baby, husband, co-thinker and partner is in pains.

Hon. Mrs. Promise ANAROKE  lives on.


Mrs. Kema Chikwe,

Former Minister of Aviation

I am heartbroken. Promise was updating me until the last few weeks. I was living in a fools paradise believing she was recuperating. Death where is thy sting? Promise has worked so hard to make a difference wherever she found herself.

When Aisha invited me to WILAT, at the formative stage,  Promise took it upon herself to make sure things went the way Aisha wanted. I had to acquiesce to their invitations. Kingsley and Promise made sure I featured in MMS programmes. I would be there even if I had to inconvenience myself.

Promise joined me in politics. We worked hard for her to be the Chairman of LGA in Enugu State but the Governor obliged us with Councillor.

He advised that since she lived in Lagos she should start from there. She was Coordinator of PDP Women Network in Lagos.

Promise was a small giant in whatever she did, gentle, humble and very respectful.

I try to withhold tears but it is not possible, especially when I recall her phone call from Port Harcourt, “Mummy, I have been discharged from the hospital”.

Little did I know it was a temporary relief, nor did I know that the few subsequent phone calls would be the last.

Farewell Promise.

You live in my heart.


Hajia Aisha Ali-Ibrahim,

Founder, Women in Logistics and Transport (WiLAT)

Promise was a woman of many paths, kind hearted, hard working and always willing to carry other peoples cross.

I met her when WiLAT was founded here in Nigeria in 2010 and since then, she became a family member to me.

I’m here because of that personal relationship which now evolved from our association as members of WILAT.

She was very charming and humble. She gave everybody their due respect and there was never a dull moment with her.

She is an irreplaceable gem and someone whom women in this industry and also her community in Enugu State. Her absence will really tell on a lot of people.

I pray that her husband will be able to bear because we all know how the two of them were like twins. Promise and Kingsley were two in one and we pray that God will give him the fortitude to bear the loss.


Mrs. Eunice Ezeoke,

Vice President, Womens’ International Shipping and Trading Association (WISTA) Nigeria

It is very difficult to forget who Promise was. She was a very vibrant lady, a very active and dynamic member of WISTA.

That vibrancy and dynamism that she exhibited in WISTA, she also carried to Enugu State to contest to build the political party  as she went into politics and we were heard of how she has was building the women faction of it and grew it into an enviable association and a formidable group in Enugu State.

Promise started this when she was the Public Relations Officer in WISTA. When she was the PRO, WISTA was going places. In the areas where WISTA was not known, WISTA became known.

She was always cheerful, ever smiling and you can hardly see a frown on her face no matter what. 

I’m sure that wherever she is, she is happy. It is those that are good that God calls early.

We are pained but I’m sure God has his reason for calling her at this young age.

Our hearts are broken but we also thank God.

We know she is in a happy place.


Mr. Hassan Bello

Executive Secretary, Nigerian Shippers’ Council (NSC)

With very deep sense of loss and grief, I write on behalf of the management and staff of the Nigerian Shippers Council to commiserate with you on the untimely demise of your beloved wife, Mrs. Promise Anaroke.

The magnitude and propensity of this unfortunate incident is indeed very difficult to quantify, knowing the deceased pedigree in her sphere of influence socially and politically.

We join you to mourn this great loss and sympathize immeasurably with you, while praying that the almighty gives you an uncommon fortitude to tide through this time.

Once again, accept our condolences.


Chief Eugene Nweke,

A former President of the National Association of Government Approved Freight Forwarders (NAGAFF)

Promise isn’t dead to me!

I’m not convinced that she is dead.

To me, Promise only took a deep sleep in the hope of resurrection.

Promise went up and hid behind the cloud, I expect to see Promise again when the sun shines bright.

She isn’t dead; because she is too good to say she is dead.

She is sleeping with the hope of resurrection.

She fought a good fight of faith.


Ms. Hadiza Bala-Usman

Managing Director, Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA)

We are deeply saddened by your loss knowing how difficult it would be to fill the vacuum her demise may have created in your family.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your entire family during this time of grief even as we pray that God will give you the fortitude to bear the irreplaceable loss. 

The management and staff of the Nigerian Ports Authority received this sudden demise with rude shock. Please accept as always the assurances of our esteemed regards and best wishes.


Mr. Anya Njoku,

President, Maritime Reporters’ Association of Nigeria (MARAN)

It came as a real shock to the association when this news reaches us. Members of MARAN who have known Promise Anaroke over the years described her as a go getter, an astute politician, a successful business woman and indeed a very accommodating person.

We know how dear a friend and partner she was, and we know that she would be missed greatly.

In these difficult times, the hearts of the entire MARAN members are with Promise’s family. We pray from the bottom of our hearts for Almighty to grant her soul peace and all the strength to all her loved ones to face these dark times.


Chief Increase Uche,

President, National Association of Government Approved Freight Forwarders

Mrs. Promise Anaroke was a well known person to us and we make bold to say that she was a caring wife, and compassionate professional who would be sorely missed by her family, colleagues and the maritime industry in general.

We are however consoled by the fact that she lived a community life which shall make her memory to remain indelible in the minds of everyone that came in contact with her.

On behalf of the Founder, Dr. Boniface Okechukwu Aniebonam, the management and the entire members of NAGAFF, we express our deepest condolences on the demise of Mrs. Promise Anaroke.


Capt. Tajudeen Alao

President, Nigerian Association of Master Mariners (NAMM)

Words are not enough to adequately express our shock and sadness as we learnt of her passing to eternity.

 It is our hope that her highly productive life in the way of the Lord will be a source of satisfaction for the family at this time of grief.

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