Group decries lack of sea-time training for cadets

Group decries lack of sea-time training for cadetsThe Alumni of Maritime Academy of Nigeria Oron (AMANO) has decried the problems faced by cadets concerning sea time training, stressing the need for comprehensive approach to finding solution to the problem.

President of AMANO, Austin Umezurike, at the second National Convention of the group in Lagos, said there is need to focus on maritime education and training to fill the present gaps in the industry.

He therefore called for the right policies to be put in place to ensure development in the shipping sector.

Umezurike pointed out that the alumni on its part was working to ensure quality training for cadets at the Maritime Academy of Nigeria, MAN Oron, through its members going there to give lectures in their areas of specialisation.

He also disclosed that AMANO had also helped to upgrade the library of the institution with Information Communication Technology (ICT).

He therefore called on all former cadets to help in ensuring the MAN, Oron gets to the required standard, as well as assist young cadets to get sea time training.

Meanwhile, the Director General of the Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA), Dr Dakuku Peterside, assured that the agency will partner with AMANO to ensure that all stumbling blocks for the growth and development of the maritime sector are removed.

Peterside said the agency has over the years put measures in place to ensure that the maritime sector’s potential are harnessed for the benefit of Nigerians.

Represented by Ekong Umo Otong of the safety department of NIMASA, he said maritime education was critical to the repositioning of the country and the economy, hence the need to partner with AMANO being a critical stakeholder.

According to him, “NIMASA is proud to be associated with AMANO and to name you as one of our top most stakeholders and thus we remain open to any invaluable contributions and business enhancement suggestions from your highly reputable association knowing that it will also be beneficial to the maritime world and the current drive and focus on Blue economy.”

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