Electric Power Generation To Increase By 2000mw – Fashola

Electric Power Generation To Increase By 2000mw - Fashola
Minister of Power, Works and Housing, Babatunde Raji Fasholfashola

Minister of Power, Works and Housing, Babatunde Raji Fashola, has expressed optimism that given the various plans undertaken by the present administration in the sector, power generation would increase with additional 2000MW by the last quarter of 2016.

He stated this at the Ministry’s budget defence before the Senate Committee on Power and Mines, adding that a lot have changed in the management of power in the country in recent times. Distribution of Power is no longer government business, but has been taken over by private Companies. Also government has privatized power generation which has steered towards the full privatization of the sector with transmission aspect being managed by Manitoba International of Canada.

According to the Minister, the 2016 budget focuses more on the transmission, completion of on-going projects, refurbishing power plants and tackling gas supply issues. If all these, are well addressed, the expected projection would boost electricity generation in the country.

The Minister further stated that the Ministry plans to take its role as a Policy maker more seriously while the Agencies will be tasked more on implementation and execution of government’s agenda for the sector.

Earlier, Chairman of the Committee, Senator James Manager, charged the Ministry to think out of the box, if it is to achieve its goals of taking Nigeria’s Power Sector to the next level. Further, he stated that Nigerians should reap from the sacrifices incurred in increase in tariff by enjoying uninterrupted power supply.

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