CRFFN Governing Council Elections: Ministry Propaganda Sparks Fears

By Kenneth Jukpor
CRFFN Governing Council Elections: Ministry Propaganda Sparks Fears
Nigeria’s port sector and the success of the nation’s import-dependent economy has one central problem which lingered throughout 2021. Analysts say freight forwarding practice in the country and the rancor surrounding the Council for the Regulation of Freight Forwarding in Nigeria (CRFFN) may reach frightening heights if left unabated this year.
The delay in having the Governing Council elections is already being described as a major factor limiting the proper administration of CRFFN, but this is allegedly a situation some highly placed government officials desire.
As tempers begin to rise after the initial dates set for the election had to be jettisoned, there are more questions about qualification and the criteria for the election as numerous letters have been sent as missiles to the office of the Minister of Transportation.
The perspectives on the controversies surrounding this election vary depending on whose side of the prism you choose to view the issue. Freight forwarding groups accredited by the CRFFN have agreed a sharing formula of 6-6-1-1-1 with the Association of Nigerian Licensed Customs Agents (ANLCA) -6, National Association of Government Approved Freight Forwarders (NAGAFF) -6, Nigerian Air Freight Forwarders and Consolidators (NAFFAC) – 1, Association of Registered Freight Forwarders in Nigeria (AREFFN) -1 and the National Council of Managing Directors of Licensed Customs Agents (NCMDLCA) -1.
On the other hand, there is a strong resistance to this arrangement being led by the former President of NAGAFF, Chief Increase Uche, endorsed by the African Association of Professional Freight Forwarders and Logistics of Nigeria (APFFLON) and the Congregation of Registered Freight Forwarding Practitioners of Nigeria (CREFFPON).
The sharing formula was used during the last elections, however, it is believed to have robbed interested candidates without the backing of associations, an opportunity to participate in the polls. The CRFFN Act, however, recognizes membership on individual basis, companies and associations.
Speaking with MMS Plus on the delayed election, the President of ANLCA, Hon. Tony Iju Nwabunike stated that the Governing Council of CRFFN has been strangulated by the federal government via the Ministry of Transportation.
His words: “What we have been agitating for is that the agency is a bit independent from the government. We believe that this would make the Council work effectively. However, all indications show that the government’s interest is so much that they want to dictate things. I can assure you that if CRFFN is allowed some degree of autonomy it would find its way and play a crucial role in the sector.”
Nwabunike also argued that CRFFN has to work effectively and harmoniously with their registered freight forwarders and Customs brokers associations, to be able to record any significant success.
“The Council can’t work in isolation of these groups. If they partner with the freight forwarding groups, they would achieve their mandate. We can solve the problems of CRFFN if we work together,” he said.
Last week, APFFLON wrote a letter to the Minister of Transportation, Hon. Rotimi Amaechi to expedite efforts to organize the Governing Council election.
The letter sighted by our correspondent was signed by the National President of APFFLON, Mr. Frank Ogunojemite.
Part of the letter read: “We recognize and appreciate the concerted efforts of the Ministry towards achieving a peaceful, transparent and credible election for the Governing Board of CRFFN. However, as a body of professional freight forwarders, we do urge the Honorable Minister to intensify efforts towards the successful elections to avoid a vacuum in the Governing Council given the track record of the humongous challenges and setbacks during the last era of CRFFN without a Governing Board.”
“It is indeed our expectation that this Governing Council election is scheduled in the first or second quarter of 2022 to set the tempo for professionalism and further enhance the development of freight forwarding practice in the nation.”
“At APFFLON, our expectation and indeed the expectation of every well-meaning stakeholder in the sector is a free and fair CRFFN Governing Board election which is expected to crystalize a radical change in the industry from the aspect of freight forwarding.”
On his part, the National Chairman of NAGAFF 100% Compliance Team, Alhaji Ibrahim Tanko expressed reservations on disposition of the Minister and the candidates who are contesting outside the accredited associations.
Tanko noted that the challenge with the CRFFN delayed election is worsened by the fact that the status quo seemingly favours the Registrar and Minister of Transportation.
He, however, stressed that he has begun moves to get a minimum of ten Senators of the 9th National Assembly abreast of the numerous freight forwarding issues in a bid to get some vital laws passed before the next presidential elections.
Also speaking on the issue, a patron of ANLCA and immediate-past Vice Chairman of the previous CRFFN Board, Chief Henry Njoku called for patience, noting that a Federal Executive Council (FEC) meeting prevented the Transport Minister from attending a meeting in December that would have seen a new date and criteria set for the election.
Njoku, who was speaking after ANLCA NEC meeting in Lagos, said “Few weeks ago, just before the Christmas period, we were all invited to a meeting in Abuja and the Minister was to join us after a FEC meeting but he couldn’t come to the meeting. We believed that a new meeting would be scheduled soonest and a new date would be announced. As soon as the Ministry gives the go ahead, we will all prepare for the elections and whoever emerges the winner would be accepted”
Manwhile, the National Secretary of ANLCA, Mr. Babatunde Mukaila lamented the high degree of uncertainty on the criteria and conditions for the election.
According to him, there must be an agreement as to what is the criteria.
“If CRFFN has come up with clear guidelines, there wouldn’t be any reason to be backpedaling. I want to encourage the Minister of Transport as someone who preaches integrity to come out straight on this issue and give a final guideline so the elections could commence.”
“At the moment, there is no one to represent the interest of freight forwarders in CRFFN. If this is a deliberate attempt to leave the most important people out of the affairs of CRFFN, it’s a wrong thing. We need to organize the elections so that the Council could move forward,” Mukaila said.

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One comment


    With matters still in Courts, if the election into the GOVERNING BOARD OF CRFFN is still premised on the wickedly skewed and GREEDY inequility of FEDERATING ASSOCIATIONS sharing formular,then we may WAIT FOR ETERNITY as long as the LAW COURTS ARE STILL DISPENSING JUSTICE.
    It is a big shame that certain tainted names are at the fore front of all this while CRFFN and HMT pretend not to know with years of un-accounted Billions of Naira Budgeted from NASS voted over the years and now POF for which many have sworn to die rather than miss out of the filthy booty hence this WARPED GREEDY AND IDIOTIC SHARING FORMULA.

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