Comfortabliscious Comfort

Comfortabliscious ComfortComfort Eyitayo is an astute professional and a Financial and Tax Consultant. She is a chartered accountant with more than two decades experience. As a fellow and member of the governing council of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN) and an alumnus of the prestigious National Institute of Policy and Strategic Studies (NIPPS), Comfort thrives as a Mumtrepreneur with ventures cutting across information technology and hospitality industries. As a woman who has passed through some challenges in life and in business, Comfort passionately propagates the spirit of entrepreneurship, through written articles in journals, newspapers and motivational talks at different public for a in tandem with her passion to promote women entrepreneurs (Mumtrepreneurs) to succeed and grow. All these ventures she combines with being a wife, mother and grandmother. No wonder Comfort believes where there is a will, there is a way. As she declares; “I am a Mumtrepreneur and I am loving it!

She wants you to have a Comfortabliscious week.

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