BULLS: Boko Sacifice

BULLS: Boko Sacifice
Bull thumbs up Boko Sacifice

A woman, who was said to be running for her dear life after the attack of the dreaded Boko Haram group on Baga recently, saw a little boy lying helplessly beside the dead mother crying and she made bold to save the little boy putting her own life at risk.

The woman knowing that if the little boy was left there, his life would have ended alongside the mother took custody of the boy even though she did not know if she would survive the attack that had consumed several hundreds of people.

Invariably, the Good Samaritan has been able to give the innocent boy another chance to live.

Kudos to the woman because not all can take such a risk; it is only those that have golden hearts that can put their lives on the line for another person more so, a total stranger.

What if the cry of the little boy had attracted the attention of the foes? That would have cost her life but she dared the odds. Can anybody sacrifice his or her life for the maritime industry?

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