One of the functions of a Public Relations Officer is to address issues from the press and the public where it concerns his or her organization. However, it will be a show of indiscipline and incompetence if a PRO deliberately and consistently desists from speaking to the public and to journalists. This is the unfortunate scenario of the PRO at Skyway Aviation Handling Company (SAHCO) Mrs. Uansohia Vanessa. The blame isn’t entirely hers but she has been relegated to a ‘nanny PRO’ by her overzealous boss, the Managing Director of SAHCO, Mr. Basil Agboarunmi.
Interestingly, Agboarunmi should be a PR guru having served the agency as General Manager Corporate Communications for several years. His PRO refuses to talk to news correspondent who visit the company with several attempts of requests for interviews. The company needs to re-orientate and remind its officials of their duties so that they would be able to perform effectively and efficiently in the various roles assigned to them. Basil would need to loosen his grip on the PR department. The PR function at SAHCO is suffering as neither Basil nor his nanny PRO is getting the job done

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