BEARS: Jobless & Hopeless

The Buhari- led administration brought hope to the teeming jobless youth (mostly unemployed university graduates) in Nigeria and it seemed like things were about to turn around for them. The N-Power scheme was one famous youth empowerment strategy this administration came up with and the scheme promised to employ over 500, 000 youths from the 8th of August, 2016.
Today, the scheme is four months old, yet nobody has been employed.
The website is unstable and mostly inaccessible. Several individausl have registered on to find out later that their details vanished. Is this another political gimmick to cajole the youth into more election thuggery? Should we conclude that this government is a failure in this area? Well, let’s give them the benefit of doubt and hope the programme kicks-off soonest. But four months don waka sha.!