BEAR: CRFFN’s Mysterious Maradona

BEAR: CRFFN’s Mysterious Maradona

More dusts and uncertainty have been left in the air as the Council for the Regulations of Freight Forwarding in Nigeria (CRFFN) has again postponed election into its governing council originally scheduled for Friday last week. The postponement was announced in a message sent to the various freight forwarding associations by Council’s Registrar, Mike Jukwe.
What is astonishing in the announcement is that the election that was earlier scheduled to hold on May 16 but was shifted to June 29, 2018 was “put off until further notice” without any disclosed reasons and on whose directive it was postponed after a three-year delay.
Come to think of it, who is behind the scene? Is it the freight forwarders themselves that are behind these entire abracadabras called politics or the authorities themselves? In whose interests are they working and why?

MMS Plus seems not to be confused as this Heroic Mysterious Maradona dribbling the entire industry is set to unveil more plans capable of killing the Council.

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