BEARS: NPA, MMS Hall Of Fame Mourn Obikili

BEARS: NPA, MMS Hall Of Fame Mourn Obikili
Late Mrs Ngozi Obikili


The Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA) has been thrown into mourning with the unfortunate loss of an impeccable and iconic management staff  Mrs. Ngozi Obikili.

Until her death on October 12th , Obikili was the General Manager , Corporate and Strategic Planning Division.

Obikili was fondly called the ‘Great Trade Facilitator’.While NPA mourns, MMS Hall of Fame is in pains. Obikili was a United Nations Amazon in the hall of fame family. She was a woman of many firsts and a goal-getter.

MMS Plus consoles her family, friends and entire management of NPA for the irreplaceable subtraction .

“May her soul find eternal rest.

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