MD, NPA: Security Officers in Brawl with Brother

MD, NPA: Security Officers in Brawl with BrotherSome sections of the country are noted for having retinue of brothers and friends or extended family members around while in public office. Sometimes this constitutes security risk or encumbrance to due process.
This was the case in the Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA) head office in Marina, Lagos, on Tuesday, when an ugly scenario played out. One S. K. Ado Bayero who claimed to be the Managing Director’s younger brother engaged the NPA security officials in a battle Royal similar to the provocative wrestling scenes in WWE.
S. K. Ado Bayero in a rare demonstration of physical fitness, gave a security officer Randy Orton’s R K O and slammed another with the dangerous Spear of Roman Reign.
At a point, the lawless younger brother of the MD, Mallam Sanusi Lamido Ado Bayero turned the show to a brawl and preposterously asserted that NPA is “our own”, raising the question: “is NPA privatized?”
One may ask: why all this? MD’s brother barged into the MD’s office with disregard to proper security clearance from security officers on duty.
On his way out, he ran into one of their numerous another brother who had been waiting to see the MD also. But they ran out of luck because the MD had said he would not like to see more visitors and had left the office.
Acting on instruction, the security official on duty post stopped S.K. Ado Bayero who had wanted to take the other brother to the MD, but the security officials stopped him from entering and asked everybody seated to leave. Unknown to AdoBayero junior, his elder brother had left the office for the day as he insisted he must not leave, with the remark that they own NPA.
The officer on duty, who tried stopping him, got an R K O from Ado Bayero junior who fought everybody and anybody that tried to stop him. He fought so aggressively that he tore the officer’s uniform and turned the office upside down, making other waiting visitors to scamper to their heels.
The police men who were brought to calm the situation on knowing that he is the MD’s sibling opted to plead with him to stop fighting.
It took the intervention of many police men and head of NPA security to calm the rampaging Ado Bayero junior who was suspected to be under the influence of “push me, I push you”. But if he was, why did he not show it at first?
While we condemn this attitude of the MD’s younger brother, NPA security officials should be tutored in the act of courtesy. Many of them lack human relations skills or manner. They can sound unimpressive sometimes.
However, it is not interesting to hear that 80 percent of MD’s visitors daily are his brothers from the North. They are not called vendors or stakeholders but brothers.
This trend must be stopped in all government establishments

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One comment

  1. The story told here is abit mixed up; according to info, that ado bayero junior’s attack was his 4th on the NPA security at various times n days. Assaulted officers (even female), tore cloth, destruction of NPA property n constituted nuisance/public disturbance. He just refuse to subject himself to security procedure on d basis dt dey own NPA(kano company) n no one can stop him thereby d MD’s aid will quickly clear him. Although there are lost of them trooping in (northerners and Ado Bayero Generations) but S.K is d Most aggressive, violent n physical amongst dem

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