BULLS: Beautiful Brains

BULLS: Beautiful Brains

One may not know the inbuilt potentials in people unless  they are given avenues for expression and display of talents. The students of Unique Toes Mission School, Badagry, Lagos displayed high level of intellectual disposition and rare academic prowess at the MMS Plus Woman of Fortune Hall of Fame (WoFHoF), Women In Leadership and Career Empowerment (WILCEP) Africa 2018 mentorship programme held last week at MMS Plus International Image Center, Lagos.
Their smart and very neat appearance cum comportment and intelligent manners with which they asked and responded to questions are pointers  to not just their distinct upbringing but a unique tutorship and academic input from a reputable bastion of erudition like Unique Toes Mission School.
MMS Plus is greatly impressed by their performance and would recommend that other academic institutions in Lagos, especially secondary schools should strive to emulate and maintain Unique Toes in this regard.

Barvo! Our future leaders.

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