WISTA Nigeria Holds By-Election  For PRO, Others Today

WISTA Nigeria Holds By-Election  For PRO, Others Today

The Women’s International  Shipping  and Trading  Association(WISTA) Nigeria is  set to have  by-elections  today to fill some of its vacant positions  in the executive.  The positions, MMS Plus learnt are : Public Relations Officer(PRO) ; Assistant PRO; and Assistant Treasurer.

The Head, Corporate and Strategic Communications (C&SC) of Lagos Port Complex, Nigerian Ports Authority(NPA), Mrs. Arit Nwokedi  and Mrs. Rahmat Ibrahim, a private media practitioner have shown interest in the position of  PRO; Mrs. Stella  Romaine has equally indicated interest to occupy the position of  Assistant Treasurer.

The struggle for who becomes the PRO will not be an easy one considering that both contestants have permeated the consciousness of members as good candidates for the position.  Arit is a moving train in some aspect of public relations practice over the years in NPA and her ability to deliver  results even  under difficult conditions is not in doubt.  She is armed with exposure to rich training opportunities provided by NPA, coming from the public sector.

Rahmat is coming with delivery as a master of ceremony  and private media practice. She is said  to have assisted the immediate past PRO, Mrs. Sarah Roberts to make some impact.  The President of WISTA Nigeria, is said to have a soft spot for her and may have encouraged her to contest for the position.

But barring any last minute entry by another contestant for the position of Assistant PRO, the contest will come off as “no victor,no vanguish” as  either of them will assist the other for a robust output in WISTA Nigeria after the election. But essentially, the personality of the candidates and proof of work in the association over the years will determine who pulls the crowd at the end of the day.

Members should however bear in mind that modern public relations in associations has grown beyond being a publicist.

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