NPA MD Urges Women To Balance Work With Family Obligations

NPA MD Urges Women To Balance Work With Family Obligations
The MD, NPA, Hadiza Bala Usman (sitting 2nd left), the Executives of WIMBIZ and new Inductees during the event.
The Managing Director of the Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA), Hadiza Bala Usman has advised women to balance work with family life, saying that “a woman needs to know when to draw a line and learn to devote quality time with the family, devoid of the interference from office activities”.
She cautioned women not to nurse fears of starting small as such ventures would always blossom to their advantages if they remain focused on the core issues.
Hadiza who was speaking at a round table cum-luncheon organized by Women in Management Business and Public Service (WIMBIZ), implored career women to leave their comfort zones and face their fears, because according to her such fears may be real as experienced by everyone, but that it’s important to face them in order to overcome them.
At the event which took place at the Bon Hotel Stratton in Abuja over the weekend under the topic “Freeing Yourself from Fear”, Hadiza also enjoined women to be ready to take risk and push back every boundaries that tend to limit them from success in every desires of their heart.
The Managing Director who also added that those women in paid employment, who cannot find fulfillment should leave such jobs to pursue their dreams as that’s the only place they can find joy.

In a response to a question, Usman advised women not to force people to follow their steps adding that “your integrity and credibility will stand you out that such will automatically generate followers for you”.

As part of the highlights of the event, 15 new members from across the country were inducted as associates of the organization by Olubunmi Aboderin-Talabi who is the Chairperson of WIMBIZ.

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