Mrs. Lizzy Ovbude: Shame To Death

Mrs. Lizzy Ovbude: Shame To DeathDeath invaded our territory on November 1st 2018 and claimed one of our most dependable and industrious Hall of Famers, Mrs  Elizabeth Ovbude, who until her death was  the Managing Director of Port and Terminals  Operators Nigeria Limited(PTOL),operators of Rivers Port in Port Harcourt, River State.

Death should be ashamed of taking inspiring  and impactful lives as this.

Married to Mr. Felix Ovbude, former Managing Director of the defunct Eastern Ports of Nigerian Ports Authority, Lizzy as was fondly called made a successful career in the Nigerian Ports Authority(NPA), where she exited as an Assistant General Manager(AGM) to set up PTOL.

The MMS WoFHoF Initiative will always remember Lizzy for her inspiration and zeal to empower the younger generation of women.  She was a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT) and Africa Region Coordinator of the Women in Logistics and Transport (WILAT)

The late Lizzy  knew her onion and would always stand by the right side of the law. She coveted industry and  hated injustice with passion.  We wish she had the opportunity to pen down what it takes to successfully market a port or cargo terminal. She was a walking  encyclopedia of port and terminal marketing and operation.

 Driven by the lull in activities of the Eastern ports operation, Lizzy showed marketing creativity that has sustained PTOL.

The late Lizzy was educated at the University of Benin and the University of Wales College of Cardiff, United Kingdom (UK), where she obtained an M.Sc in Maritime Studies.

She attended several trainings both within and overseas as well as obtained various certificates from many institutions including the Institute of Management Technology (IMT), Enugu and the Nigerian Institute of Transport Technology (NITT), Zaria.

She is survived by her children and husband, Mr. Felix Ovbude.

Adieu, our great Hall of Famer!

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